A Different Approach to Sports Nutrition

A lot of sports nutrition today is based on outdated advice from the fitness and bodybuilding world. While this advice may help folks feel better in the some short-term, it often doesn’t provide the athlete’s body with the nutrients and minerals it needs to help it perform at its best, let alone sustain a lengthy athletic career.

Through working one-on-one with Lainie, you can learn ways to better optimize performance and recovery as an athlete while also supporting your body in all areas of life beyond performance.

About Lainie Cassel (NTP)

Lainie Cassel has 30+ years of experience as an athlete and a coach. She swam for 17 years at an elite level and later picked up powerlifting and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. She continues to compete against much younger competitors at 37-years-old and is extremely passionate about supporting both young and old athletes in their quest to maintain their health while also competing at a high level.

Sport nutritional counseling available in Atlanta, GA and online via Zoom.

More Than Just Macro’s…

The tools we will focus on during our sessions:

  • Blood sugar regulation for optimal energy.

  • Ways to optimize hormones through nutrition and supplementation.

  • How to balance training and recovery in order to sustain a lengthy career.

  • Ways to improve immune system and prevent sickness or chronic conditions associated with overtraining.

  • Mineral balance and hydration.